Thursday, January 27, 2011

OK, So I've Been a Bad Blogger

Lots has happened since my last blog entry (ha!). I'm no longer working for Caremark (not at my choosing) so I'm on the prowl for work, like so many of my fellow Americans. I did do a little professional development by attending a class on Dreamweaver at Harper College in Palatine--pretty respectable school, I must say. I felt just like a college student for the entire two days I was there...a really, really OLD one, but albeit still a student. It was fun running around with all those young whippersnappers getting my brain cells going.

I have been trying to learn the Adobe Creative Suite all by myself and discovered something wonderful called Adobe TV and They are both really helpful tools for self-led courses on a variety of topics related to software. Now if I could only get my self to push a bit harder on the star pupil of my self contained classroom and complete more of the courses. Soon I'll be a Photoshop aficionado--just you wait and see.

Let's the last 11 months since I started my blog what else have I done? Here's a quick re-cap:
-Babysat my adorable little nieces and nephews--I still have the magic touch
-Gone out to lunch/breakfast numerous times with my pal Eileen (when I'm in a quandary, I just wonder: "WWED?" She's that kind of friend)
-Lost my job (let's not dwell on that one)
-Watched every single episode of Law & Order (note the use of the "and" sign--only TRUE L & O fans know the correct spelling) Criminal Intent
-Discovered that there is a Law & Order UK out there that even uses the same "dunh-dunh" sound (not sure about that spelling but you know what I mean)
-Learned that I have high blood pressure and despite all my whining and moaning that medication is something that I have to accept
-Let my hair go completely gray--I like it, so does Nacho, my butcher. He said so.
-Driven to Champaign and back, I dunno, 14 times?
-Cleaned up lots of cat pee
-Started tweeting and tumblring (I'm about as good as that as I am at blogging)
-Resolved that I'm going to try to be a better blogger

That's it for today. See you in less than 11 months--I promise.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Babies. I love them.

We have many cute babies in our family. And it's all come so quickly--I'm nearly overwhelmed with all the cuteness. I guess I don't really have to introduce you since everyone I invited to my blog so far knows of them, but just in case you forgot:

Ethan, son of my nephew Keith and his wife Sasha
Words to describe him: CUTE, playful, funny, mischief, charming
My thoughts: I think he's going to be a great athlete. He is already (at age 1) an excellent climber and shows great upper body strength. Ethan is always on the move and is in that imitating stage that is so amusing. You say a word, he repeats it. You knock on the wall, he knocks. You bust a move, he busts a move. Love it.

Keilana, daughter of my niece Kari (aka kar-bear) and her super-tall husband Carl
Words to describe her: ADORABLE, chubby, curious (don't have as many words yet because I haven't met her in person yet. Boo.)
My thoughts: I think Keilana is destined to be a surfing prodigy. They live on the beach and her dad is an avid surfer, often making up stories so that he can go catch some waves. Plus, she looks GREAT in a swimsuit.

Mikka, daughter of my brother Alan and his girlfriend Mireya
Words to describe her: Beautiful, sleepy, pink, soft, warm, sweet
My thoughts: Mikka is the daughter of two cops, so I think she will learn to make smart decisions. She is also going to be a very patient little girl, because she has my brother as her father. When you're done reading this, make sure to view the "Chow on it" video on my facebook and you'll know what I mean. Also, she's going to have great abs--she's already working them like a pro.

Makaila, daughter of Keith and Sasha (do the math--Ethan's baby sister)
Words to describe her: Beautiful, pink, snuggly, soft, sweet (I know...lots of the same words as Mikka, but they are only a few weeks apart in age)
My thoughts: Makaila is going to be a tomboy, I'm guessing. She's going to follow her big brother's footsteps and learn the ropes from him. When she can't climb up to reach what she wants, she's going to be a smart cookie and use a cute little smile to charm her dad/mom/brother/auntie to get her what she wants.

All of them are so lucky--they are all surrounded by people who love them so much! And they know they have an auntie who always loves having a baby in her clutches.



Welcome to my blog--Friendship Village. If you're wondering why I chose that name, ask my kids--I'm sure they're chuckling. Friendship Village is a retirement community that my kids keep threatening to send me to every time I lose my train of thought, wear mis-matched clothing, lose my purse, repeat a story that I've just told them the day before, speak in tongues--well, I think you get it. In fact, I'm sure many of you can identify with it--maybe we can plan shopping trips together and don matching snuggies when we are next door neighbors at Friendship Village.